Omega 3 Health Benefits

Health Benefits

Omegapure™ natural unbleached Tasmanian salmon oil is made from salmon grown in the crystal clear waters of Tasmania and is a naturally occurring source of Omega 3.

Omega 3s are called ‘essential’ fatty acids because they’re critical to good health, but cannot be produced naturally by the human body. They need to be obtained from food or supplementation.

Omega 3s are essential for brain development and function. The human brain is 60% structural fat, and in order to function properly, it needs the right kind of fats (omega 3s) to make sure that signals are passed quickly and easily between the membranes of our brain cells.

A large volume of scientific evidence shows that omega 3s from fish, such as salmon, can help maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular system, and may assist in the management of arthritis and the maintenance of healthy mood. Specific health benefits pf Omega 3 include:

  • Temporary relief of the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, and relief of rheumatic pain
  • May help reduce joint inflammation and swelling associated with arthritis
  • Supports healthy joint function.
  • Assists in maintaining joint mobility.
  • Supports/maintains cardiovascular health
  • Maintains the health of the heart.
  • Maintains normal healthy brain function.
  • May help maintain healthy (and / or normal) cholesterol levels in healthy people
  • Maintains normal healthy nervous system.
  • A natural source of marine omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids are very important as the body cannot produce them and can therefore only obtain them from the diet
  • Aids, assists or helps in the maintenance or improvement of general wellbeing

Nutrition Content

The salmon from which we extract our oil is a highly nutritious food containing protein, essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants. Omegapure™ also contains vitamins D, E, betacarotene and minerals zinc, iron, copper, manganese and selenium. This nutrient dense oil also contains vitamin A, B vitamins, as well as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium – all of which are vital ingredients for a healthy, balanced diet.

Marine Omega 3s

There are different kinds of omega 3s,those from plant sources (known as ALA) and those from marine sources (called EPA & DHA). While both kinds of omega 3 are important for good health, the marine omega 3s are more biologically active and provide wide-ranging health benefits throughout our bodies and brains.

Recommended dosage

Guidelines published by the National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) in 2006 recommend that men consume 610 mg and women 430 mg of the marine omega 3s EPA & DHA daily to minimise chronic disease risk. To meet these recommendations we need to consume a variety of omega-3 rich foods. Oily fish is the best source of omega 3 fatty acids and Atlantic salmon is one of the richest sources amongst fresh oily fish.


CSIRO research shows that seafood, in particular Atlantic salmon has between 10 and 100 times the levels of omega 3 than beef, chicken or lamb. In Australia Omegapure unbleached Tasmanian salmon oil is sold in soft gel capsules as an OTC (over the counter) or complementary medicine. The regulation of complementary medicines is administered by the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration)